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Suggested Reading

Here is a sampling of books have been found to be valuable by the members of The 6' Ferret Writers' Group.


Zen and the Art of Writing, Ray Bradbury
Notes to a Science Fiction Writer, Benjamin Bova (This book is out of print.)
Characters and Viewpoint, Orson Scott Card
How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy, Orson Scott Card
The Screenwriter's Workbook, Syd Field
Writing for Story, Jon Franklin
The Art of Writing, John Gardner
The Well-Tempered Sentence, Elizabeth Gordon
Make Every Word Count, Gary Provost (This book is out of print.)
The Elements of Style, Strunk & White
On Writing Well, William Zinsser

Inspirational/Writing Exercises

Don't Forget to Write!, by The 6' Ferret Writers' Group
The Artist's Way, Julia Cameron
Chicken Soup for the Writer's Soul, by Jack Canfield (Editor), Bud Gardner, Mark Victor Hansen
Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, Annie Dillard
The Writing Life, Annie Dillard
Writing Past Dark, Bonnie Friedman
Creating, Robert Fritz
Room to Write, Bonni Goldberg
Writing Down the Bones, Natalie Goldberg
Wild Mind, Natalie Goldberg
Turning Life into Fiction, Robin Hemley
Women Writers Talk, Olga Kenyon
On Writing, Stephen King
Bird by Bird, Anne Lamott
On Writer's Block, Victoria Nelson
Word Work: Surviving and Thriving as a Writer, Bruce Holland Rogers
Writers on Writing, Jon Winokur (This book is out of print.)


The 2008 Guide to Literary Agents (annual publication listing agents )
The 2008 Novel & Short Story Writer's Market (annual publication listing publishers of short fiction )
The Writers' Handbook 2008 (annual publication of writing tips and listing of publishers)
The 2008 Writers' Market (annual publication listing publishers of all kinds)
The Complete Guide to Writers' Groups, Conferences, and Workshops, Eileen Malone
The Facts on File Visual Dictonary, Jean-Claude Corbeil
The Insider's Guide to Getting an Agent, Lori Perkins
The Lilliput Webster English Dictionary (a tiny dictionary, about half the size of a box of paper clips)
Readers' Digest Illustrated Reverse Dictionary

Books by Our Members

Don't Forget to Write! A guide to building and maintaining a lasting writers' group, by The 6' Ferret Writers' Group

The Nightwing's Quest, by Stirling Davenport
The Darkest Thirst: A Vampire Anthology, featuring "Abba's Mark" by Stirling Davenport
Amphibious Dreamers, by Stirling Davenport

On the Head of a Pin, by Mary Beth Miller
Aimee, by Mary Beth Miller

The China Doll, by D.M. Rosner
A Cup of Comfort for Parents of Children with Autism, featuring an essay by D.M. Rosner
The Writing Group Book, featuring an essay by D.M. Rosner
Dead Promises, featuring "The Black Cat of Antietam" by D.M. Rosner
The Writers' Handbook, 2001 edition, featuring the chapter "Building a Lasting Writers' Group" by D.M. Rosner
The Writers' Handbook, 2000 edition, featuring the chapter "Building a Lasting Writers' Group" by D.M. Rosner

NOTE: If you order any of these books through (using the links above), The 6' Ferret Writers' Group will receive a portion of the purchase price; any money earned through book sales will be used to maintain this web site. Regardless of how you choose to get these books, we still recommend them all.

Suggest other books you've found helpful by e-mailing our Webmaster.


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